Monday, 5 January 2015

30th December ( day 300 )

For some unknown reason I found myself awake at 4:30 am for the second time running. Unlike the day before though instead of going straight back to sleep I decided to have an early breakfast and catch up on my blogs before wrapping myself back up in my sleeping bag and getting some extra sleep. It had been raining during the night which sounds dreadful but in lue of the fact I was low on water meant I could drain some caught in the tarp for an extra coffee.

It wasn't til 8:45am I finally woke again. It had stopped raining and wasn't feeling too cold in the slightest in fact it was quite mild. I made another coffee before collapsing camp and continuing with the trek.

I left the woods and headed to the beach and on towards Benderloch. From Benderloch I continued on towards Connel bridge going round connel airport which was constructed the second world war. The beach running in front of the airport was probably longest beach i had hiked along in quite a while. Reaching the end of the beach and just before I crossed the bridge which I understand had been flown under by a second world war pilot in a spitfire I spotted a small fur ball I easily recognised. Iain had decided to catch up with me on my trek to see how I was doing and to treat me to lunch. It was great seeing them both again.

After an extended lunch break we three continued on together to dunstaffnage castle, well when I say together I mean I walked and iain and nipper drove.

Meeting up again an hour or so later using my head torch we all walked up to the castle and into the woods to find somewhere to setup camp. Both iain and nipper helping to get the tarp pitched although I think it would have been easier without the help of nipper.

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